Gospel Marketing Blog is one of the few Business at service of the church and non-profit related sites on the entire world wide web and was the first in two languages Spanish and English language and our mission is not over. There are more work to do, more biblical principles to teach, more ministries and organizations to be coached in how to use marketing practices, internet and social medial for building strong communities And to learn principles of the Kindom of God in best practices of business management.
Your contribution, whatever you want to contribute, will go towards maintaining the Gospel Marketing Blog site and helping promote the Kindom of God in the business sphere. If you want to know more click on www.GospelMarketing.org
We love to connect ministries teams with inhouse training in leadership and communications habilities. And share Outreach tools for churches and companies. Courses Not just to know, not just to do, but to Be. Our hope is to expand our site into a much larger resource for both business people and entrepreneurs looking for a information related to biblical principles to implement in their companies and clerical and churches staff members looking to work smarter, to spent less time managing a "Church" but doing the Holy propose os reach the lost.
Whatever you can do to help our community is greatly appreciated.
$1 or $1000 your donation will help continue our cause and help
Comunicación y gestión para Iglesias y ministerios
Un blog para educar, motivar e inspirar a las iglesias y ministerios, a comunicar con excelencia la palabra de Cristo.Recursos en español y en ingles sobre las mejores herramientas de gestión para líderes cristianos. Una página con información y recursos para edificar el cuerpo de Cristo!!! www.GospelMarketing.org