Leading a ministry in any capacity can be an incredible challenge. As pastors, we face staffing issues, theological/philosophical/methodological differences, budget constraints, leadership shifts/gaps, vision clouding, etc. Many of us may even struggle to keep the balance of family and ministry. We have a high calling and face a very daunting task with little support and encouragement.
In late 2001, as I continued to pastor full time, I rearranged the next three years of my life to train within two different Coach Certification programs and pursue a MA in Leadership Coaching (the first of it's kind in the US). With the popularity of the "coaching" term, a degree simply says I've studied it and mastered the subject beyond a simple certification. In conjunction with that, I spent hours of practicing coaching and converting all my pastoral counseling appointments into "coaching sessions". I've always had a knack for what some call "counseling" and I can honestly say that my previous training in pastoral counseling did not adequately prepare me for ministry. However, the new coaching skills I began to implement brought about lasting change especially for those who were serious about taking responsibility.
In 2002 our new ministry was launched (this site and a few others are a result of those efforts). I began coaching several pastors and Christian leaders outside the sphere of the local church in places like Canada, London, South America and all over the US. Within a short time I found myself meeting a quietly desperate need amongst my peers in ministry. Some simply needed to clarify their call and revisit their passion for ministry. Others needed to simplify their lives and refocus their efforts on building their foundational ministry...their family. Still others came with the residue of past hurt...battle scars that seemed to be tripping them up and keeping them from embracing their God-given destiny. I've even coached pastors struggling to motivate their staff, cast vision, understand their own design and leadership style.
We even created a ministry to help financially support ministry leaders, pastors, missionaries and church planters who can not afford the cost of coaching fees. We've tried to eliminate every obstacle imaginable that would prevent pastors and ministry leaders from receiving the coaching benefits equal or greater than any major corporation executive. Perhaps the greatest barrier is the attitude I've run into with some pastors: "I don't need this, I'm fine and the ministry is fine, besides it's a scam. Sounds just like something we did in 19__." Healthy skepticisim is fine and encouraged...definately check us out. However we can't do much for those who won't even kick the tires. So, we go with the individuals God brings us.
And God's not done...you might be reading this site thinking about how you or someone you know could benefit from coaching...let me give you a little heads up: No one needs coaching but everyone can benefit from coaching. I'm not going to tell you what you need, you have enough people in your life telling you that. What I will do is walk with you for a while and use these wonderful skills and my gifts to bring about clarity, movement, awareness, responsibility and motivation. All packed within an environment for growth that we call "coaching".Leading a ministry in any capacity can be an incredible challenge. As pastors, we face staffing issues, theological/philosophical/methodological differences, budget constraints, leadership shifts/gaps, vision clouding, etc. Many of us may even struggle to keep the balance of family and ministry. We have a high calling and face a very daunting task with little support and encouragement.
61% of pastors today say they have no one to talk with about their personal lives and ministry. I can honestly say that in the first 10 years of ministry confidants were very difficult to find. It only takes one person to break your confidence and you'll think twice about "sharing your life". If that's concerning to you, take a look at the shocking statistics of pastors throughout North America in our article "Leadership Under Fire" (PDF). Out of the 365,000 pastors in the US, 55,000 are in transition every year. That's 150-200 pastors a day dealing with change in a very real way! Why is this happening? Should we be alarmed? Isn't that just the way ministry is? Isn't that what you signed up for? What's the big deal? We'll if your a pastor...it's definitely a big deal. Try moving your family around a few times in 12 years. I know from personal experience the joy, stress, anxiety and excitement of moving away from one ministry and moving into another. From one city to another, one state to another and even one denomination to another. Transitions are very vulnerable times for pastors, their spouses and their families.
Feeling alone during a life changing transition is not uncommon and can be overwhelming. So making these transitions as smooth and infrequent as possible will not only save your ministry it may save your marriage and family.
My personal journey into coaching began as I actively sought the answers about ministry life that seminary, denominations, elders, other pastors and even my close friends in the ministry could never really answer. I was longing for serious growth and change. No more numbers, programs or different ways to "do" church. I wanted to know how to tap into what God was stirring in me. So in 2001, I hired a personal coach to help me create a personal growth plan that involved every aspect of my life and keep me on target. Sounds very simplistic, but for me it was what I had been searching for the last 11 years of ministry.In late 2001, as I continued to pastor full time, I rearranged the next three years of my life to train within two different Coach Certification programs and pursue a MA in Leadership Coaching (the first of it's kind in the US). With the popularity of the "coaching" term, a degree simply says I've studied it and mastered the subject beyond a simple certification. In conjunction with that, I spent hours of practicing coaching and converting all my pastoral counseling appointments into "coaching sessions". I've always had a knack for what some call "counseling" and I can honestly say that my previous training in pastoral counseling did not adequately prepare me for ministry. However, the new coaching skills I began to implement brought about lasting change especially for those who were serious about taking responsibility.
In 2002 our new ministry was launched (this site and a few others are a result of those efforts). I began coaching several pastors and Christian leaders outside the sphere of the local church in places like Canada, London, South America and all over the US. Within a short time I found myself meeting a quietly desperate need amongst my peers in ministry. Some simply needed to clarify their call and revisit their passion for ministry. Others needed to simplify their lives and refocus their efforts on building their foundational ministry...their family. Still others came with the residue of past hurt...battle scars that seemed to be tripping them up and keeping them from embracing their God-given destiny. I've even coached pastors struggling to motivate their staff, cast vision, understand their own design and leadership style.
We even created a ministry to help financially support ministry leaders, pastors, missionaries and church planters who can not afford the cost of coaching fees. We've tried to eliminate every obstacle imaginable that would prevent pastors and ministry leaders from receiving the coaching benefits equal or greater than any major corporation executive. Perhaps the greatest barrier is the attitude I've run into with some pastors: "I don't need this, I'm fine and the ministry is fine, besides it's a scam. Sounds just like something we did in 19__." Healthy skepticisim is fine and encouraged...definately check us out. However we can't do much for those who won't even kick the tires. So, we go with the individuals God brings us.
And God's not done...you might be reading this site thinking about how you or someone you know could benefit from coaching...let me give you a little heads up: No one needs coaching but everyone can benefit from coaching. I'm not going to tell you what you need, you have enough people in your life telling you that. What I will do is walk with you for a while and use these wonderful skills and my gifts to bring about clarity, movement, awareness, responsibility and motivation. All packed within an environment for growth that we call "coaching".Leading a ministry in any capacity can be an incredible challenge. As pastors, we face staffing issues, theological/philosophical/methodological differences, budget constraints, leadership shifts/gaps, vision clouding, etc. Many of us may even struggle to keep the balance of family and ministry. We have a high calling and face a very daunting task with little support and encouragement.
As a coach, I can help you refocus, meet a challenging ministry goal, reconnect with your passion for ministry, navigate a transition or bring balance to your life. A coach is like a personal trainer for anything you want to work on: a confidant, partner, and supporter who pushes you to grow faster and be your best. And a coach who works from a biblical values system and understands the leadership challenges you face makes a great partner.
"Leaders take responsibility." Now it's up to you. You know where to find us!
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