Here are some tips, based on our experiences with Facebook, blogging and LinkedIn.

1.    If you feel any fear, take a class. Having someone explain everything to you in simple terms and easy steps makes it all much easier.

2.    Share your view of the product or service, not just price deals. Let people see the brands or products through your eyes and your experiences; it’ll inspire them to have their own beautiful brand experiences. 

3.    Delegate some of the posting so one person doesn’t have to do it all. 

4.    Communicate with your followers. If someone posts a photo of their child or grandchild, post a comment complimenting them. 

5.    If you’ve got a YouTube channel, make sure you’re cross-posting your videos. 

6.    LinkedIn is a useful tool for finding corporate clients. Link your Facebook posts to your LinkedIn account so you don’t have to do double posting.

7.  Be natural and write like if you are talking to a friend.

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