Church marketing

Why is there such a disconnect with people when you use the term “church marketing”? I have heard all sorts of reasons why marketing the church is wrong, and it just doesn’t add up. I had a pastor tell me today that bringing marketing into the church is “commercializing” Jesus. What!! I’m sorry, that makes no sense. As a matter of fact, it is just plain ridiculous. Marketing is not about making a profit. Plain and simple. No matter what you do, if your marketing strategy starts with making a profit, it is doomed from the start. Marketing is defined by the American Marketing Association (AMA) as:

“the activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large.”

This is the definition of what pastors and churches do everyday, whether they like it or not. Creating a viable marketing strategy is creating the ability to give. You can’t put a box on something because you don’t like how it sounds or feels. 

In order for a church to reach they have to communicate, and without communication there is no relationship. So in your quest to “market” your church and your vision, just realize that ignoring the world because you don’t like it, will not make it go away. Technology has given everyone a voice and a way to deliver it. Start to really dig in to your passion as a pastor, and start using the tools available out there to get that passion out. If you are not sure how send me an e-mail, I would love to help.

Tks to Mark for this post.Taken from:

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